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TMS for Perinatal Depression in Los Angeles

In California, one in five women suffers from perinatal depression. Perinatal depression, defined as depression during pregnancy, around childbirth or within the first year after delivering a baby, is common and has many names: postpartum depression, maternal depression, prenatal depression, and postnatal depression.
Left untreated, perinatal depression can have serious consequences on the health of the mother, the baby and the entire family. Our transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in Los Angeles is an FDA-approved non-drug, non-invasive and safe intervention for perinatal depression.

What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy?

Medication isn’t the only option.

Standard treatment approaches of perinatal depression include talk therapy and medication. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an alternative option which lacks the systemic effects that are typically associated with medications, making it an ideal intervention for those who are pregnant or nursing.

TMS is an FDA indicated treatment for depression that is noninvasive and uses magnetic fields to gently nurture specific areas of the brain responsible for mood.

Unlike other forms of brain stimulation, TMS therapy is non-invasive and non-sedating. Patients can drive themselves to and from treatments and get back to their day right away, including work or school.

Drug-free, non-invasive depression treatment.

TMS is more than twice as effective as medications andย has the ability to work faster. In most cases, symptoms improve within just two weeks of TMS treatment compared to the 6โ€“12 week onset period of conventional medications.

During TMS treatment, our Los Angeles patients recline in a treatment chair and remain awake and alert. A TMS magnet is positioned over the patientโ€™s head to deliver gentle pulses to specific areas of the brain. Patients report that the pulses feel like taps on the head.

TMS is well tolerated. Sometimes patients experience mild scalp discomfort or mild headache during active treatment. Each treatment session lasts about 20 minutes, after which patients can immediately return back to their daily routines.

Excellent Peripartum Mental Health is Possible.

Glowing, happy, radiantโ€” pregnancy and new motherhood is โ€œsupposed to beโ€ a cherished and special time. But for those who develop depression during or after their pregnancy, this period can be starkly different.

Unfortunately for many pregnant and nursing women, accessing high-quality, safe and effective mental health treatment can be difficult. Some pregnant and nursing women discontinue antidepressantsย for fear of adverse effects.

However, there are safe and effective treatment options for pregnant and nursing women. Peripartum mental health providers should be prepared to discuss the spectrum of available options so patients and their families may make informed decisions for the best outcomes possible.

Beyond the Baby Blues: Peripartum Depression

Emotional and mental health are critically important to enjoying a healthy pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby. Diagnosis and treatment of depression early is vital to the long-term health of both mother, baby and family.ย During pregnancy, early intervention and treatment for depression will also reduce the likelihood of postpartum depression.

Peripartum depression may involve:

  • Symptoms which last every day for two weeks or more: Baby blues usually go away after a couple of weeks, but if you’re depressed or have an anxiety disorder, you’ll experience the symptoms every day for more than two weeks.
  • Sadness, crying, trouble concentrating: Persistent low mood, inability to get out of bed, trouble concentrating, difficulty eating well or trouble sleeping are common symptoms.
  • Struggling with everyday activities:ย Struggling with simple everyday tasks or feeling disconnected from your baby, may be a sign to seek professional help.

*TMS is FDA-cleared for depression, migraine, obsessive-compulsive disorder, cigarette cessation, anxious depression, adolescent depression, and chronic post-traumatic/surgical pain. Research indicates that TMS to also be helpful for bipolar depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment. Other uses for TMS therapy are considered “off-label.” However, there is a growing body of research indicating the potential benefits of these off-label applications for a variety of mental health conditions. Please consult with a psychiatrist to learn more about TMS and off-label uses.

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• • FAQ • •

TMS During and After Pregnancy

  • How effective is TMS for peripartum depression?

    Because TMS is non-invasive, non-systemic and has fewer side effects than medications, many people including those who are pregnant or breastfeeding choose TMS over other treatment options.

    Since 2009, over 70% of Neuro Wellness Spa patients here in Los Angeles have experienced symptom relief with TMS therapy. Although many mental health conditions are chronic, TMS helps patients achieve remission. Length of remission depends on many factors including:

    • Diet
    • Exercise
    • Therapy
    • Severity of illness
    • Lifestyle

    The goal of mental health treatment is to achieve full remission. Patients should not tolerate lingering symptoms or unwanted side effects.ย TMS is an effective treatment alternative to medication and therapy that helps patients feel all the way better.

  • What are the side effects of TMS therapy?

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation has far fewer side effects than antidepressant medications. With more than 10,000 treatments performed in clinical trials, the most common side effect was temporary and mild scalp discomfort during active treatment. Unlike medications, which affect the entire body as they pass through the blood-brain barrier, TMS therapy treats the brain directly.

  • Is TMS covered by insurance?

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for depression is FDA-cleared and covered by most insurance including Aetna, Anthem, Blue Shield, Optum, MHN/Healthnet, Tricare, Cigna, Magellan and Beacon and more.

    Our phenomenal clinical team is always available to help prospective patients understand their coverage options. We know how important it is that those seeking help are able to get the treatment they need. Not to mention, at Neuro Wellness Spa, we handle all the paperwork.

  • Which research supports TMS during and after pregnancy?

    Although TMS is not yet FDA indicated for use during pregnancy, current evidence of rTMS for depression during pregnancy is highly encouraging and many peripartum providers are recommending TMS as a safer treatment option.


    In 2011, Kim and colleagues treated 10 depressed pregnant women during the 2nd or 3rd trimester employing. With this approach, 7 women achieved response (i.e., at least a 50% reduction from baseline scores) as assessed with the 17-Item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS-17). Four patients reported mild headaches but there were no other adverse events.

    In 2014, Hizh Sayar and colleagues treated 30 pregnant woman during the 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester employing 18 sessions of 25 Hz TMS at 100% motor threshold applied over the left dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex.ย  Notably, there was a significant decrease in the mean HDRS-17 score from baseline (p < 0.001) after the treatment course. There were no reported adverse maternal or fetal events.

    Neonatal Outcomes:

    In a 2015 case control study, Erylimaz and colleagues compared the children of mothers who received treatment with TMS during pregnancy (n=30) to a control group of children whose mothers went untreated for their prenatal depression (n=26). In the control group, 3 infants had jaundice and 1 had a low birth weight. In the TMS group, 2 infants had jaundice and 1 had febrile seizures. Further, there were no significant cognitive or motor delays in the offspring of mothers treated with TMS.

    Postpartum Depression:

    In 2010, Garcia and colleagues treated 9 women with postpartum depression employing 20 sessions of 10 Hz TMS at 120% motor threshold applied over the left dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex. By week 2, patients experienced significant improvement in depressive symptoms from baseline (p<0.008) as assessed with the 24-Item HDRS scale. Furthermore, 8 patients achieved remission (ie., HDRS-24 < 10 and Clinical Global Impressions Severity Scale =1) at week 4 and 7 patients still met remission criteria at 6 months.

    In 2012, Myczkowski and colleagues treated 14 women with postpartum depression employing 20 sessions of 5 Hz TMS at 120% motor threshold or a sham procedure applied over the left dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex. Active TMS yielded improvement at week 6 as assessed with the HDRS-17. Two patient’s reported mild scalp pain but there were no other adverse events.


  • What about childcare during my TMS appointments?

    At Neuro Wellness Spa in Los Angeles, mothers may bring their infants or children with them to their TMS appointments. During the TMS treatment, mothers may hold their infants or support staff may be utilized to help provide childcare.

For more information about the services we offer or whether TMS treatment is covered by your insurance provider, contact us today.

• • Testimonials • •

What Our Patients Are Saying

  • My Life Started To Turn Around

    star star star star star

    I had a very positive experience with Neuro Wellness Spa and would recommend them for TMS treatment. The psychiatrists and especially the technicians explained things to me clearly and had great bedside manner throughout my multi-week treatment. I had great results and am forever grateful!

  • TMS therapy had a profound impact in a short period of time

    star star star star star

    I had an incredible experience with my TMS treatment. I felt appreciated and welcomed by the staff and my needs were met throughout the whole process. I was consistently checked on by the psychiatrist to assess progress. The technicians made me feel as comfortable as possible and I began to notice cognitive and behavioral differences after a short period of time.

  • Mental health support backed by science

    star star star star star

    Neuro Wellness Spa is an amazing facility filled with excellent doctors, wonderful technicians and therapists, and cutting edge therapies. The Psychiatrists there are grounded in science and donโ€™t just prescribe medications to help with mental health issues. They take the time to listen and tune into individual patient needs and prescribe a plan to fit those needs. I Highly recommend for anyone searching more holistic therapies.

  • Helped my depression and anxiety

    star star star star star

    Amazing staff and very helpful they have helped my depression and anxiety immensely highly recommend their services

  • Got The RIGHT Meds

    star star star star star

    Spent decades on mental health medications that werenโ€™t right for me. Took the genetic test, learned about what would work for me and got the RIGHT meds. Has made such a difference for me.

  • TMS Changed Everything

    star star star star star

    I was so low on energy and TMS changed everything. Now, I look forward to starting my days. My focus has improved. I appreciate things I couldn’t even notice before.

  • Full service support

    star star star star star

    I canโ€™t say enough about the genuine quality of care and professionalism of all the psychiatrists and the TMS team have provided to our loved one! They truly care about each individual! Highly recommend!!

  • TMS helped with my sleep

    star star star star star

    I underwent TMS maybe a year ago, and albeit I had only undergone it once, I had felt better about my day and definitely my nights, for it had benefited my sleep a lot. I found myself to be less anxious and less depressed as the process had carried on and found it to be an enjoyable experience overall.

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    Could TMS Therapy Be Right For You?

    I struggle with depression, OCD or anxiety.

    I am experiencing sadness, low energy, difficulty sleeping, poor concentration, appetite changes, irritability or weight gain/loss.

    I have tried, or am currently on, 1 or more antidepressant medications.

    I have tried talk therapy

    Has your doctor/therapist suggested you try TMS?

    Mental Health, Reimagined.
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