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What is a Psychiatric Evaluation?

A psychiatric evaluation is an assessment conducted by a psychiatrist or other mental health professional. It typically involves evaluating a person’s mental health status, medical history, and current behavior to better understand the state of their mental health. During a psychiatric evaluation, psychiatrists may use various techniques such as interviews with the patient, interviews with family members and other loved ones, psychological tests and assessments, physical examinations, and lab tests. The aim of a psychiatric evaluation is to accurately diagnose any mental health conditions or underlying issues that are present so that appropriate psychiatric treatment can be prescribed and implemented.

A psychiatric evaluation or “psych eval” may sound intimidating, especially because it may involve your loved ones, but it is just a simple way for your mental health care provider to understand what you’re going through at the moment.

What Is a Psychiatric Evaluation?

A psychiatric evaluation, sometimes referred to as a psychiatric consultation, is a mental health assessment in which a professional helps you understand and manage any mental health issues or symptoms that may be impacting your life. This evaluation can involve answering questions verbally, providing a mental health history, or completing a questionnaire. A psych eval is often the first step when seeking treatment for a mental health concern.

Psychiatric evaluations are usually conducted during an initial consultation session. The purpose of this session is to:

  • Learn more about the patient, their current issues, and their goals and objectives.
  • Develop a baseline for their condition. 
  • Discuss different types of treatments and options that could be beneficial.
  • Confirm or make a diagnosis. 
  • Map out a treatment plan with input from the patient. 
  • Discuss short-term and long-term goals the patient may have.

In general, you can expect an initial assessment to take between 20 and 90 minutes, depending on the individual person and their symptoms. Psychiatric evaluations and consultations can be completed virtually or in person. Some psychiatrists may split the session into two different visits. 

Why Do You Need a Psychiatric Evaluation?

A psychiatric evaluation is necessary to accurately diagnose any mental health issues or underlying mental illness that may be contributing to an individual’s issues. They can provide detailed insight into what the individual is going through, allowing for a more tailored and effective treatment plan to address a patient’s needs. Without a psychiatric evaluation, it would be difficult to determine which type of treatments and mental health services would be most beneficial for the individual and which type could result in ineffective care. Additionally, it gives professionals insight into any potential risks or causes related to the individual’s symptoms and can help them better evaluate the severity of their condition.

So, should you see a psychiatrist? When considering whether to meet with a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner, it can be helpful to imagine what you would do if a loved one came to you and asked what they should do about their own mental health conditions. If someone you care about asked you what they should do about your symptoms, how would you guide them?

Some reasons to consider a psychiatric evaluation include:

Mental Health Concerns

If you’re experiencing tearfulness, hopelessness, chronic stress, loss of interest in normal activities, sleep disturbances, extreme mood swings, trouble concentrating, withdrawal from social situations, unexplained weight loss/gain, or other mental health concerns, it can be beneficial to speak to a psychiatrist and receive a psychiatric evaluation. Ultimately, a proper psychiatric evaluation is crucial for ensuring an individual’s well-being and providing them with the care a person needs.

Thoughts of Self-Harm or Suicide

A psychiatric evaluation may be necessary for someone who has thoughts of self-harm or suicide, as it can help assess the severity and any underlying issues that may be causing the individual to feel this way. Depending on the outcome of the evaluation, a treatment plan may be devised which can help address their mental health needs and mitigate their risk of self-harm. Additionally, a psychiatric evaluation can provide insight into any potential triggers that need to be avoided in order to ensure a person does not make any self-harm or suicide attempts. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, find yourself wishing you were dead, or think everyone else would be better off if you were gone, seek professional help right away.

Engaging in Risky Behaviors

Some people will act out in ways that place them in unnecessarily risky situations. These behaviors can involve physical activities such as reckless driving, substance abuse, self-harm, and other forms of excessive risk-taking. They can also include psychological risks such as engaging in overly aggressive behavior or not taking proper precautions to protect one’s well-being.

Required for Employment

Some jobs may require a psychiatric evaluation to ensure that the individual is mentally suitable for the role they are applying for. This can help determine if their mental state is stable and won’t put them at risk of making errors due to underlying mental health conditions, which could be potentially hazardous in certain occupations. Additionally, it can provide insight into whether an individual is emotionally capable of dealing with stressful situations and potentially difficult conversations with clients or customers, depending on the nature of the job. For some careers that can be very stressful or demanding, a psychiatric evaluation could be required for employment. For instance, many government jobs require federal agents and military personnel to obtain a psychiatric evaluation.

Pregnancy or Postpartum Mental Health Concerns

Of all medical complications affecting women during pregnancy and after birth, mood, and anxiety disorders are the most common. While postpartum depression is commonly known for occurring after birth, 50% of postpartum major depressive episodes actually begin prior to delivery. A psychiatric evaluation can help alleviate expectant or new moms understand their symptoms and explore treatment options.

There are also many other reasons why a person might want to obtain a psychiatric evaluation. Overall, getting a psychiatric evaluation can be hugely beneficial in terms of looking after yourself and managing any mental health issues which may be causing distress or making life difficult in some way. With the right support system and plan of action, a psych eval can ultimately lead you toward better well-being overall.

How to Get a Psychiatric Evaluation

If you are considering getting a psychiatric evaluation, there are a few key steps to take in order to ensure that you get the most from the experience. Firstly, you should find a psychiatrist who you trust and feel comfortable with. You can then do some research into psychiatrists in your area and read reviews or feedback online in order to find the right person for you.

When attending your appointment, it is important that you are honest and open with your psychiatrist in order for them to gain an accurate understanding of your mental state. The assessment process typically involves answering questions, filling out forms, and participating in tests and activities. It is also essential that you follow the advice of your psychiatrist during this time as they will work closely with you to develop a suitable treatment plan tailored specifically to meet your needs.

Psychiatric Evaluations and Treatments in California

At Neuro Wellness Spa, we are here to help our patients understand their symptoms and choose the best treatment option for them. Our in-person and online psychiatrists are available to conduct psychiatric evaluations in order to best direct you to the best treatment option for you.

For more information or to schedule your initial consultation, please feel free to contact us or call 1-877-847-3984 today.

*TMS is FDA-cleared for depression, migraine, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, cigarette cessation, anxious depression, adolescent depression, and chronic post-traumatic/surgical pain. Research indicates that TMS to also be helpful for bipolar depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment. Other uses for TMS therapy are considered "off-label." However, there is a growing body of research indicating the potential benefits of these off-label applications for a variety of mental health conditions. Please consult with a psychiatrist to learn more about TMS and off-label uses.
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